Monday, July 27, 2009

Pre-Exam Concerns

My violin examination is this coming Friday.
I purposely skip school today just to practice my violin and, hopefully, increase the chances ofsucceeding at it.

Despite constantly reminding myself that it will go well and passing the examination with good marks, I can't help worrying about it. Mistakes keep popping up when I practice and no matter how many times I practice, they won't go away, be it a major mistake or a minor one. Not that getting on my nerves help at all.
I am here typing this out so that I can finally cast away this feeling. In order to settle a matter for good, one must spill out the problem first. After all, worrying is just like a painting.
It is created out of nothing. The only difference is that worry is not a good painting. Now, the worry is gone for good and even if it appears, confidence will be the dominating one.

Well, life is meant to be experimented.
I don't know why I typed that, but I know it will come to my senses one day soon.

4 comments: said...

Quote: If you don't score A then get a fail, if you don't fail then score an A!

Jack Lim Hui Jie said...

Eh what kinda quote is that lah. said...

only the best / the worst will makes you popular out of it.

whereby mediocre will only makes you commonly known among the so-sos.

does the quote makes sense now?

Jack Lim Hui Jie said...

Yup so true.