Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Can't sleep tonight so will do a short blog post considering that I abandoned it for more than a week sometimes I wonder if I type too much in a sentence without putting commas or fullstops but I think that's just me

Okay that was completely random.
As usual, like any other teens, I am going through the times when I don't know what I'm going to do after I take my SPM examination.
In tuition today, a friend suggested me that taking a year break will help in some ways. That means doing almost nothing concerning academics for one year. That will be total freedom. Either to stay at home and do totally nothing, go out doing adventurous stuff or work part time. Then take my sweet time to think properly what I want to do.

Another friend suggested that I go for pre-U. That will be good too because I can first experience college life and hence, study the many subjects which maybe one of them might raise my interest the most. But the fees around RM10,000.

Or music. But that's very risky in some ways.

So I'm still very self-absorb in this traumatic decision. I hate teenagers' mind =(

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