Monday, April 27, 2009

English Week : Days 1, 2 & 3

It has been our school's tradition to organize the English Language Week every year. This year, the school authority handed the job to us, the English Language Society. It is really an irony that they would give us the job, consider that the school authority's the one who has been handling every year. On the other hand, our society has such few members that my fingers are literally more than our society's members. (Uhh... I lost count.)

So, on the 1st day, we have Story Telling Competition for Form 1. Unfortunately on that day we didn't bring camera. But it was great to find out that they actually came fully prepared.
Well, some of them. And some even recited poem that didn't even last for 30 seconds.

On the 2nd day, we had Spelling Bee for the Form 2.

Top 21 semi finalists.
It was really a surprise how genius some of them were. Words like gnat, exacerbescence, oppugnant and sialologue were nailed by them.

The top 5 finalists.
Left to right : Stoned by the word that was given, Awkward legs position, Innocent looking guy who looks like he's pointing middle finger.And to actually think that I spent my studying time on day dreaming, eating snacks and now, blogging.

After school it was Treasure Hunt aka Spot The Spot because there were no treasures but only riddles to the spots that they were suppose to find.
Here are some of the riddles that we gave :
A statue's torse you will meet, 8 digits with a dash in between. I'm another name for donkey, and an M in front of me. (Sorry Maths and Science Society members) Contestants sprinting to victory after solving all the riddles.
On the 3rd day, Drama Competition for the Form 4 were held. Too bad (and good) that only 3 classes participated. 2 classes did the short story Looking For A Rain God. Both dramas were kinda messy and a lot of shouting were in the play too. I think it's because they lack time to practice. And another class did The Necklace which I think was good and a lot of humour in between.
Here are some pictures during the preparation.

Committees and some of the actors. Spot the girl.Applying make up for the role as a girl. An image that even the Devil itself will weep about. That is not his "stick".Class of 4K.
So, the drama began with class 4K. Their costumes were awesome but too bad the play was quite off topic. But you gotta give credit for this guy.
Click on the image to enlarge it, and look closely at the only person who's wearing a mask.Men in deep conversations.
Next up was 4P. Also on the drama Looking For A Rain God. Was better but still quite messy. =(
Nesta releasing stress on a doll. That is not a girl! The whole drama crew.
And the last one, was 4H on the drama The Necklace.
Mathilde paying a visit to Madame Forestier. "I look gorgeous!" Nicely choreographed dancing, to one of Akon's songs. When Mathilde found out that she lost the necklace, and needs to work for life off just to pay back the necklace.

"Got teh ais?" Got.
"Got milo ais?" Got.
"Got nescafe ais?" Got.
"Okay, give me one warm water." "Please don't go! I need the money!" After the drama, it was yet another photo session.
The committees and most of the drama actors. Horny me.

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