Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Best Cereal Ever

Yesterday I was feeling hungry, and I stumbled across this box when I open the cupboard. Its a box with unidentified Chinese writings printed on the cover. Inside contains small packages of wheat cereal inside. It has a fine creamy, milky texture aroma on it. I really wanted to open it but I saw this. Wait a minute... Milky aroma... Made in China...
Then I read the ingredient list on the back of the cover. In case you can't read, that says milk powder. Wait, if you can't read you won't be reading this article...

As you know the milk and melamine case has killed quite a number of children in China,
and this news has been going mad around the world,
some emo people read the news and thought that life sucks then they kill themselves,
and some other emo people are reading this article, feel that life sucks and kill themselves too.... What the hell am I talking about?

Anyways I told my father about this cereal thing. So it ended up inside somewhere better. The Moral of the story is : No wonder people call cheap and invaluable stuffs as "Made in China".
And emo kills.

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