Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dinner At Somewhere Far Away

I know Mother's Day is ages ago. But I still want to post this because some of the pictures are quite interesting to me.

That day my eldest brother came down and after all sorts of catching up, playing and messing we had, we need to get down to the more serious matter - Dinner.

Before that we took some pictures for fun.
Quite a good picture took by my brother, intentionally showing off his... car. I'm not good with car models and names. A really nice vintage car. Yeah that's my apartment's address. Capture myself. My mom and dad from the view of another car. We ate at the new Bei Zhan Restaurant. It's funny how last time we can just walk across the street to eat there but now we need to take quite a distance (Hence the title of this post). Sad face. =( But the design of both the inside and outside of the restaurant is quite impressive. Cheap art made to look elegant. Most of the pictures here are taken by my brother actually. So I'm not that childish to do something like this. I swear it's not my doing.

My parents find it hard to decide what to order, and my grandma is apparently lost. We waited quite a long time for the food to be served that the Chinese tea turned from this, to this. Even the sauce looks like it's crying. Here's the 1st and most not appealing dish of all. It's not our vege dish actually but we just go along with it.
Fried seafood tofu. Black pepper PORK!! Their signature Ying & Yang Fish. And of course, the main dish - plain rice. Overall it was edible. I'm still not picture friendly, I think. I'm not a whore to a camera.


Hong said...

Walao! Great story indeed!

rakuten98le said...

Whore in the camera?
What do u mean?

Jack Lim Hui Jie said...

When you love taking pictures of yourself, it's call camwhore.

I'm sorta trying to say that I don't like camwhoring.

Haha damn I suck at explaining.